Completing the Character Sheet


Adding traits to your character adds much to make a unique personality. You begin your character’s life with up to two traits, which you choose from the list on this page. Keep in mind that a trait adds both benefits and drawbacks to your character! Record your trait(s) and the benefits/drawbacks on the character sheet.


Adding flaws also helps created a more unique personality. You begin your character’s life with up to two flaws, which you choose from the list on this page. Keep in mind that a flaw is a definite to your character! Record your flaw(s) and the drawbacks on the character sheet.

Character Flavor

Adding further character personality traits make your character even more unique and interesting to play. Personality Archetypes add a final polish to your character’s personality.  Choose one archetype to complete your character preparation (this step is optional but it adds a great deal of detail to your game play). Look over the ‘types’ on this page and see what choices you have. You may even be able to come up with one of your own!

Each Archetype has its own set of unique ‘traits’ that you add to your character sheet (these are added to your already existing set of ‘traits’ from above!)

Equipping Your Character

Now that you’ve filled in everything on the character sheet, your character needs some weaponry, armor, and adventuring gear!  Please go to your Player Class and open the Game Information page to see which dice to roll for your starting gold. Then you can either choose the Starting Package on your class Game Information page or you can equip “a la carte” by shopping in the store for Adventuring Gear, Arms and Armor, Clothing, or Tools and Skill Kits (or click on the link in the right hand sidebar).

Rolling Your Character
Choosing Your Class
Choosing Your Race
Rolling your Attributes
Your Starting Skills
Choosing Your Feats
Character Details pt 1
Character Details pt 2
Completing the Character Sheet

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